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lift one’s hand against
伤害  detail>>
lift one’s hand
(举手)起誓,出力 举手宣誓  detail>>
hand lift
手摇起重机  detail>>
lift a hand
费举手之劳  detail>>
not lift a hand
不动手, 不帮忙  detail>>
lift one
亮起嗓子  detail>>
hand in hand on one hand
一方面  detail>>
lift warnings against to
解除对…之警告  detail>>
hand it to one
承认某人的伟大  detail>>
on one hand
一方面  detail>>
on the one hand
在一方面  detail>>
one hand
(双打开始时)一次发球权 一只手  detail>>
单手  detail>>
on the one hand…on the other hand
一方面…另一方面…  detail>>
one hand one heart
合二为一 携手同心  detail>>
check one against another
互相对照  detail>>
one against ten thousand
以一挡万  detail>>
one against the wind
豪情女子 逆风而行  detail>>